Services and Offerings: Jen can integrate any and all of these services to design a session personalized for you and for your family (kiddos too)!

To schedule a session, email .


Integrative Energy, Reiki and Crystal Healing

Energy + Motion = Emotion

We are beings made of light and sometimes stress, daily life and trauma sit within our tissues creating discomfort, and imbalance. Set aside some time for your alignment and self care. Choose from 60, or 90 minute sessions to realign your energy and claim harmony, balance and clarity for your body, mind and soul. Jen, a Reiki Practitioner/Teacher and certified in Chakra Balancing, Tarot and is a Certified Crystal Practitioner, uses a variety of therapies to assess and meet your energetic needs allowing for you to take these tools and use them for yourself.


Private Yoga

Interested in the path of yoga but looking for a more quiet setting with personalized postures? This is just for you. Practice in person or on zoom. Allow Jen to assess your needs and create a practice that is integrative and individualized; combining hatha, vinyasa, yin and restorative yoga practices coupled with breath work, sound healing and meditation. This practice will leave you feeling grounded and nourished, ready to take on any situation.

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Guided Meditation

Many of us have read about the power of quieting the mind and meditating but when we lay down and close our eyes, all we hear is lists of things to do, appliances to clean and laundry to wash. Jen can not only provide you with a meditation that leaves you feeling relaxed and renewed but can also guide you to create and practice your own self meditations. Through this quiet, ancient doors can open within; releasing dormant knowledge from your book of life. This knowledge can be instrumental in healing, understanding patterns and unpacking habits that do not serve us.